Question : I'm chanting sutra and asking forgiveness from all being everyday but why I'm not getting enlightenment yet ? Answer : we do chanting or bowing to Buddha as long as can help to cumulative perfection. The Buddha can conger Mara under Bhodhi tree because of perfection he has.
The Mara in our self is the great volitional. We may think to our burden. We beed to respond and finish it then we will practice. When we start to practice the second Mara showing up is five aggregate's Mara. The body pain Headache. Backache, leg pain, a fever. To stop us to practice. We can use 4 Dhamma practice to overcome Mara.
Iddhipada 4 (Four Successful Paths)
Iddhipda means path of accomplishment or basis for success. Even the Buddha also keeps this principle in practicing meditation. This principle is important as the path to accomplish and go to nirvana within this life. The four paths are described by the following.
1. Chanda means the aspiration or will to nobly do a particular thing usually in addition develop better.
2. Viriya means the exertion, perseverance, or effort to nobly keep doing on a particular thing.
3. Citta means the dedication, active thought, or thoughtfulness.
4. Vimamsa means the investigation, examination, reasoning, or testing.